
Shopify Subscription App

Compare & Conquer:
Subify vs. Recharge

Is your subscription app holding your business back? Switch to Subify and never look back!

Compare & Conquer:
Subify vs. Recharge

Is your subscription app holding your business back? Switch to Subify and never look back!

What makes Subify Unique?

Easy Onboarding

Simple, user-friendly, and fast. It takes less than a minute to create your first subscription plan

Customer Success

We're not happy unless you're happy. A team of subscription superheroes are ready to assist!

Complete Control

From pricing to frequency to fulfillment, Subify allows you to fully customize every aspect of your subscription offers


Why wait months for your app to add a feature you need now? With Subify, you can expect fast and efficient feature development.

Easy Onboarding

Simple, user-friendly, and fast. It takes less than a minute to create your first subscription plan

Customer Success

We're not happy unless you're happy. A team of subscription superheroes are ready to assist!

Complete Control

From pricing to frequency to fulfillment, Subify allows you to fully customize every aspect of your subscription offers


Why wait months for your app to add a feature you need now? With Subify, you can expect fast and efficient feature development.

Compare the Pricing

Save at list $720 / year

Save at list $720 / year

Recharge Recommended Plan

  • + 1.25% + 19¢ / transaction
  • All Essential Features

Features Comparison

DarkVersion Subify recharge Recharge
App Rating 5-star 4.9 4-5-star 4.6
Essential Features
White Glove Migration
Smooth Onboarding with Demo Meetings
Dedicated Customer Success Team
Less-than-3-Minute Support
Minimum / Maximum Number of Subscription Renewals
Free Shipping for Subscriptions
No-Code Copy Editing
Custom Email Flows
Flexible Discounts
Create an Order on a Specific day
Further APIs & Custom Features $99 / month $499 / month

What Others Think?

See what the buzz is all about – read through the customers’ reviews and find out why Subify is a top choice for subscription businesses.

Unsatisfied Customers
0 %

>80 under-3-star ratings

Unsatisfied Customers
0 %

only 1 under-3-star rating

This is why we think you have to migrate now!

Subify is a newcomer! We Started on February 2022 and now we are ranked 4th among our 34 competitors.

We are here to grow! In spite of Recharge, a big brand with a slow support team and pricy passive approaches, we are here to change the subscription industry.

White Glove Migration

Setup App on your store

Just install the app, create a subscription plan (it takes less than 5 minutes) and see the widget on your product

Migrate payments information

All the payment and shipping information will be transferred. Do not worry about missing information or payments.

Migrate Subscribers to our App

Do not lose a single subscriber. All subscribers will easily continue being delivered on their predetermined regular basis.

Extra Benefits

Active Customer success team

Our customer success team will help you develop your subscription business model step by step. Enjoy dedicated demo meetings and strategical tips.

No-code copy editing

Everything is at your fingertips. Make changes without any coding knowledge, and make the widget truly your own.

Custom Email Flows

Create Custom Automated Subscription Flows In Shopify With Subify Triggers. Send customized emails whenever needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Since Recharge is suitable for more mature and bigger businesses, it comes with more feature-packed plans and that inevitably raises the price; having more features is not necessarily a good thing and you should choose an app that suits the size and scope of your business. Small to medium sized business might pay more than they should and still not get the attention they need with Recharge since Recharge mostly deals with big businesses.

Usually, it takes two work days to fully migrate from Recharge to Subify.

Most definitely. You can ask for a free demo meeting with our customer experience manager and we'll gather all the data we can to make the migration as smooth as possible.

Reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll reply ASAP.

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